At what point does a little pride kick in?

She was a national embarrassment at the congressional hearings, she apparently has not written so much as a grocery list without copying from someone else, and rumors are that the Harvard Corporation has asked her to resign. She refuses.
If the buzz is true, not only is Gay refusing to step down, but that she has garnered counsel and is threatening to sue (presumptively for discrimination) if she is fired. I guess promoting antisemitism, hate, and plagiarism is not due cause for termination if you are a black woman? The latest is that she fudged statistics on her college thesis. Before this is over, we might find out that she was copying from Susan Smith back in Jr High on her algebra tests.
Even the Harvard faculty has stepped up and offered that members of the board should be fired, just for how poorly they have handled this entire thing. If you recall, the board offered unanimous full throttled support for the President after her testimony before Congress and has shown almost no courage throughout this entire thing. Gay seems to be playing them like a fiddle.
So who actually supports Gay? Well former President Obama for one, who apparently had a hand in Gay getting the job in the first place. Perhaps this is enough support for Gay to continue to allow her school to take heat from the press, lose tens of millions in alumni support, and see enrollment drop by almost 20%. Who cares what the rest of America thinks. She has support from the "one and only". It seems like she has no real shame at this point. Anyone else would be embarrassed by what has happened and what has been uncovered. Anyone else would have run away screaming by now!
She wasn’t hired for her merits, race was all they cared about
as the Babylon Bee suggested... after being caught red handed plagiarizing her papers... she made it all back with a powerful "I have a dream" speech...
This tells me that she is not a true academic. Otherwise, she would have resigned when her writings were exposed.
If fired, Gay has threatened to sue. No surprise there. If fired, 0linsky is the one who looks like the asshole, as he should because he is one.
She may lose the post but she stands to make bank. At this point one can only surmise that her exit is being negotiated as in the size of the check Harvard needs to write to make her go away.
And shame? No one cloaked in DEI, CRT, BLM or any other cons in the alphabet soup that is Marxism has any fucking shame. They luxuriate in being without shame, blame, a conscience, moral, ethics or scruples. This woman, while being as dumb as a bag of fucking hammers, knows that this…