It is said that Jill Biden hates Kamala for using the race card against Joe in 2020, and Kamala feels like Biden's team has made her a scapegoat for many of Biden's failures.
If rumors are true, Jill Biden would rather bleed from her eyeballs than turn the power of the Presidency over to Harris. Moreover, almost all of the White House aides believe that they would be replaced by Kamala because she believes she is unfairly blamed when things go wrong.
What we have right now is a whole lot of incentive from the people who have Biden's ear to stay in the race, and for god's sake do not turn things over to "that woman". Exactly how true these rumors are is unknown, but where there is smoke there might be some fire.
I do recall Harris attempting to play the race card early on in the 2020 primary. However, she didn't last long enough to win a single delegate, so I am surprised that they would hold that sort of grudge. After all, Democrats play the race card all the time. The Bidens should have seen that coming from two miles off.
Meanwhile, I am not aware of too many times the White House has talked about Harris, much less openly blamed her for things. What they did do is put her in "charge" of the border at one time, and I would bet you the farm that she had no authority to change anything. She ended up talking up bigger plans about the root cause of migration but made no policy changes on the border itself. Of course, much of the criticism for border problems was aimed at the fact that Kamala never went down there, and nothing got better after she was "put in charge". At the end of the day, the ultimate blame is on the President, but I could see how Harris might feel slighted. There were probably similar things that they put Harris in charge of where she caught heat, but the border was the most obvious situation.
But if there is infighting and tension between Presidential and Vice-Presidential inner circles, that could be part of what we are seeing here. I don't get the impression that the Bidens are used to losing power struggles, and they are in the driver's seat on this one. They would have to virtually tap-out and concede to lose. Like Rocky, they believe that all they have to do is go the distance and they win. Ego in Washington is a powerful thing.
The next week here is going to be crucial for the Democrats looking to boot the President from the race. If they cannot convince him to step aside fairly quickly here, they will need to start doing the old 180 pretty quickly. The classic Democratic political restraint that generally avoids these types of circular firing squads is cracking. Generally, you would only hear rumors about private conversations with public silence or even public support. But you have had at least a half dozen Democratic politicians step up and suggest Biden step away, and you have much of the liberal media doing the same. This is not your usual Democratic Party discipline. If it cracks any further, there becomes a point of no return. Too many soundbites from Democrats telling Americans that Joe Biden is not up to the task and how can you expect to win. Some damage is already done. The question is whether or not Democrats will get back in line or allow absolute political chaos to break out!
I wouldn’t say, he’s professional.
He doesn’t know where he is.
Never mind getting out of the race. He's not fit for the office now. We have a president who is a part time professional. That is completely unacceptable.