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You can file this under: well duh!

According to a report last night from Fox News, an upcoming report from the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees will conclude that the CIA colluded with the Biden campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story. Campaign advisor Michael Morell, a former CIA deputy director and an advisor to Joe Biden’s campaign, pushed the agency to get at least one signatory to sign the now-discredited letter from 51 intelligence officials that claimed the laptop was likely part of a “Russian disinformation campaign”

I think this is just a poorly kept secret at this point. The bigger question is whether or not it will really matter to anyone. Most conservatives have already made this assumption and most liberals probably believe that the CIA was ethically in the right to help Joe Biden win an election against the bad orange man, even if it meant that they collectively colluded to push a lie to do so. So much of this is just posturing and to some degree making sure that the obvious denials moving forward as seen as the lies that we know they are.

But think about it. The collective 51 former members of the intelligence community (all looking for spots in a new Biden Administration) signed a letter they knew was false in order to help Joe Biden win the election. This was not just pushed by the Biden campaign, but people who were working for the CIA at the time, attempted to convince those people to sign onto what the CIA and the letter signers knew was a lie. Why? All to help their own careers by helping Biden win (so they might all get a chance to work for the intelligence again).

To the degree that this is unethical and reprehensible is obvious. To the degree that it might actually be criminal is a matter open to interpretation. But let's be clear. You will not see any one of these 51 signers face charges of collusion, conspiracy, or fraud... even as that is really the only way to define their actions.



Unknown member
May 11, 2023

RRB 4 hours ago

Hey Cali... SEC! LOL.



Unknown member
May 11, 2023
Trump’s clearly unhinged accuser claims he raped her in a Manhattan Bergdoff dressing’s literally the plot line to an old “Law and Order” episode.

Leftist lies... so obviously phony and transparent, and they don't even care because they all know well in advance that they'll get away with it.


Unknown member
May 11, 2023
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