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You can either pander or have principles. You cannot do both!

Republicans are largely pro-Israel and anti-terrorist. A plurality of Democrats are pro-Hamas and okay with the terror attack... at least in this case.

While I have sympathy for what the Jewish community is having to deal with right now, I sort of feel like this is sort of a monster created by the progressive movement that so many Jews have fallen in line with. There is an old parable that seems relevant to this situation:

  • First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist.

  • Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist.

  • Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.

  • Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

Obviously the Jews are third on this particular list (as they generally are part of most of these lists), but the point is still the same. I beleive they saw themselves as one of the gang and that the woke progressive crowd would not come for them. In fact, they probably were part of the group that went after others. But, now that they have felt the wrath of these progressive nazis, they feel betrayed and helpless.

Another way to look at this is that the American Jewish political crowd has been basically crashing the progressive woke party without a real invitation. They believed all along that they were welcomed, but as soon as there was a inside disagreement, everyone took the side of the Palestinians. The Palestinians (by way of being brown and oppressed) of course recieved a gold covered invitation from the woke leadership.

By all accounts, the Jewish population should align with Republicans. At least if they are looking for which Party is actually watching their back and aligns with their values. The problem is that like so many progressives, the idea of pandering to the woke crowd seems more important than their underlying values. Not sure why, but there seems to be a lot of people who sees aligning with the "progressive woke" crowd as sitting at the cool people's table. They suck up to them because they want to belong. The problem is that the Jewish community does not belong, as much as they would like to.



Unknown member
Dec 11, 2023

Let them move south, almost every Jew I know vote R here and none are from here.

i also know a Palestinian that wears his keffiyeh in the bar he owns


Unknown member
Dec 11, 2023

Jews have traditionally always voted democrat. It's been tradition for generations. With the Jews I'm close to I've always assumed for many it's been partly out of tradition, for others partly out of guilt, and for some, partly out of efficiency. IOW's it's just easier and quicker to pay the higher taxes as opposed to contributing to individual charities. Even philanthropy has economies of scale.

This could be a true turning point however.

I mean, if Jews ever needed convincing that the left never gave a flying fuck about them as in fucking EVER, this was that defining moment which should crystalize the issue for every Jew with an IQ above room temperature.

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