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Yes... our administration acknowledges that Hamas decapitated babies...

But according to liberal Palestinian apologists it was all in good fun!

The antisemitic international community has refused to acknowledge it. Like American liberals, they deem that as long as they label any evidence to be "fake news" that they can declare that there is no direct evidence of any claims. However, it appears as if at least 40 babies were killed by Hamas in the attacks. Whether or not the UN or other world bodies will acknowledge it is largely irrelevant.

But then of course these babies were oppressive babies who quite obviously had it coming. Those infants were responsible for the suffering of the Palestine people who all choose to live in a strip of land where you have nearly 5500 occupants per square kilometer. This, btw, is more than double the amount of people per square kilometer here in Seattle where homeless camps are a necessity due to lack of actual places to live. I cannot image our population here doubling. It would be chaos. But for the Palestinians, if it wasn't for those damned Israeli babies and all of their oppression, these people could live in more comfort.

It sort of reminds me of the Sam Kinison bit where he determines that the main problem with world hunger is geography and that people just need to move where the food is. See this? This is sand. Nothing grows in sand. You know what this will be a hundred years from how? Sand! Go move where the food is. The reality is that there are plenty of other places the Palestinians could move to. They are mostly displaced people from other countries to begin with. It is their decision to stay there with the false hopes that someday they can move into Israel and displace all those nasty Jews. Their unhappiness fuels anger and the need to lash out, because they are being taught that all of their pain and suffering is caused by the Jews. If that sounds familiar it is because it was the same rhetoric used by Hitler and the Nazis during WWII. It's only a matter of time before liberals turn tale and determine that Hitler was correct. After all he stood against the Jews and the Russians. An enemy of my enemy is my friend as the saying goes.


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Unknown member
Oct 12, 2023
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