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Yemen shoots ballistic missile at Israel.

The headlines are about how Israel shot it down in space, but the underlying concern is the Yemen has ballistic missiles and are willing to shoot them at Israel.

I think the major concern here is that this current Israel Gaza situation is expanding. Yemen is said to have "declared war" on Israel from afar and this appears to be their way of waging it. Of course, imagine the pearl clutching the world would have if Israel decided to retaliate with a strike of their own against Yemen. That seems to be the game being played. Attack Israel with some underwhelming force and then get upset when they retaliate in a manner of their capabilities. Most people would understand the logic of not pissing off others who have clear advantages over you in conflict. But when it comes to Israel and the rest of the middle east, that logic has never held.

The broader concern is that there so much hate over there from Muslims over the existence of Israel and the idea of Jews in the holy land that it is just a matter of time before someone does something extreme. Think about how easy our current President and other Democrats have made it for Iran to work towards nuclear. You think that once of of these countries goes nuclear that they will not go after Israel?

Now we have Yemen declaring war as if it is an afterthought. They are a country of 26 million people and obviously have acquired long range ballistic missiles. Shouldn't the fact that they have joined the fray solicit a response above and beyond just praising the defense system for shooting one down? This situation will only continue to escalate and our people in charge will have to make some tough decisions fairly quickly.


1 commento

Membro sconosciuto
07 nov 2023

And here in the states, a Hamas supporter has murdered a Jew in Mexifornia.

It was ruled a homicide, and nothing will be done.

Mi piace
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