I swear to god people like Chip Roy would rather break everything than fix anything

To be clear, there are good points to be made with critics who will say we spend too much money and that Johnson worked across the aisle from time to time to garner votes. But there is nobody in the world (much less congress) that can herd 220 Republicans and please all 220 even most of the time.
Sure. We do spend too much money and from time to time a majority has to include the minority. Changing the Speaker of the House will not change either of those realities, and I suspect the Chip Roys of Congress know this. The larger problem is that they just cannot help themselves. They somehow believe this makes them pure and righteous, but what it does is make them obstinate and disruptive. At the end of the day it helps nobody.
If Chip Roy and gang really want to cut down on the spending and really want to eliminate the need to work across the Aisle, then the GOP needs way more than 220 House members and 53 Senators. They need 250 and 60 to really get things done. But they have 220 and 53. This is a recipe for getting very little done. So concentrate on doing what you can and not screwing around with the small majority you have. The last Speaker fight was embarrassing for the Party. This one is already looking just as stupid. Going into the vote looking to break things (rather than to move forward) is an unforced error. End of subject.
He got elected. That's great
Well he got the votes.
A Beleaguered Gentleman: Speaker Mike Johnson | RealClearPolitics
Well put, after the last debacle I would hope we would confirm a leader today. And start rolling.