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Why do Democrats hang on to this losing issue?

The law will bar those under 18 in Louisiana from receiving gender-affirming surgeries, puberty blocking medications and hormone treatments, and punishes health care professionals that provide them with the revocation of their license for a minimum of two years.

Doctors who began providing such drug or hormone therapy to a minor before January 1, 2024, are allowed to continue providing care through December 1, 2024, if they determine that “immediately terminating the minor’s use of the drug or hormone would cause harm to the minor.”

The funny thing about it is that you cannot google this subject without the first page of articles coming up with how gender affirming care "saves lives" and is necessary. However, this is one of those situations where no matter how hard the media tries to push this, the general public has a gut common sense reaction that sees this as the propaganda manipulation and political attack on social norms that it is.

Polling suggests that less than a quarter of Americans (and a smaller percent of parents) are in favor the idea of children being provided drugs or surgery to change sexes. The vast majority of Americans (and especially parents) are against it. Many support the Elon Musk idea that any doctor who sterilizes a child before their age of sexual consent should be jailed for life (or did he say executed). I mean think about it. Should anyone really believe that a child is too young to consent to the use of their genitals for sex, but old enough to consent to have them permanently removed and become irreversibly sterile? Does anyone really believe that not allowing a child to surgically remove their sexual organs will lead to suicide?

Guess what folks. Nobody in my generation killed themselves over gender dysphoria. Nobody even thought that gender dysphoria was even a real thing. If you believed you were something other than what you actually were, they treated you as if you had a mental illness. Didn't matter if you thought you were an alien from another planet, and conduit who spoke to dead pets, or someone trapped in the wrong body. You got treatment to reaffirm who and what you actually are.

Reality - there is no statistical rise in teen or child suicide rates over the past several decades. In fact, in some studies that number had been going down. Now that is not to say that teens are mentally healthier today then whey were 30 or 40 years ago. They all seem batshit if you ask me. Just that there is not an actual rise in suicides (as suggested) and there doesn't seem to be any scientific correlation to child or teen suicide and gender dysphoria. To the degree that we have seen a very recent surge in suicides or suicidal thoughts, much of that can be attributed to the negative effects of the Covid lockdowns and the problems associated with a complete lack of socialization. But prior to 2020, we had not seen any true rise in suicides at all.

I am simply not sure why Democrats push this as if they are on the winning side of this issue. It's a loser, plain and simple, and it is not turning into a winner any time soon.



Unknown member
Jul 20, 2023

Multiple passengers onboard Delta flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta PASS OUT and soil themselves while waiting to take off in 111F heat with no air conditioning, as Southwest bakes under 'heat dome'

sounds like Air Force 1


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2023

well...influence peddling isn't a crime according to Democrats!


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2023

And in the annals of truly fucking stupid democrat ideas we find this:

Starting in 2020, airlines panicked and did two insanely stupid things. They forced a generation of their most experienced pilots into early retirement, blaming the pandemic. Then, when they realized they’d triggered a catastrophic pilot shortage, they massively increased hiring. Unfortunately, it was 2020 so the new George Floyd rules were in effect. Airline after airline caved to the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” commissars and committed to new race-based hiring rules.


Meanwhile, the last 12 months have delivered the highest number of near-collisions and narrowly averted disasters in modern aviation history. “With seven runway incursions of United States commercial aircraft during January and February, the first…

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