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Who knew that being healthy would help with Covid?

Men and women who worked out at least 30 minutes most days were about four times more likely to survive covid-19 than inactive people, according to an eye-opening study of exercise and coronavirus outcomes among almost 200,000 adults in Southern California.

This major find falls somewhere between "that makes complete sense" and "well duh".

I mean who would have thought that a person in "good shape" would fight off a virus better than a person in "bad shape"? How about pretty much everyone, if they were being honest?

The problem in 2022 is that being honest gets you into trouble. If you suggest that working out is something that can help with Covid, what you are really doing is marginalizing out of shape people, or those who are cardiovascular challenged as the woke will demand we call them. I mean working out is... well... work. It is much easier to go get a jab, wear a mask and then walk around with your extra 30 pounds, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and act all high and mighty.



Unknown member
Dec 27, 2022

While there was a lot of initial fright with the unknowns those who are scientists shouldn't have thrown science out the window

and made a proclamation that they alone were the science

and all others, including dissenting scientists, needed to be silenced


Unknown member
Dec 27, 2022

Accepting that Ivermectin is effective, would basically be admitting that Joe Rogan and others are not crazy conspiracy theorists out to harm the public.


Unknown member
Dec 27, 2022

Another formerly banned Twitter user so Fauci/Biden could control the "science"

No emergency use authorization could have been made if there had been an alternate treatment

And definitely no way the placebo arm of the vaccination study for approval should have been stopped.


and boy did the "science" earn Fauci and his gang millions

as well as a FTX funded ivermectin "study", now debunked

Robert W Malone, MD on Twitter: ""In a meta-analysis of 63 studies of ivermectin versus COVID-19 in humans, 100% of these have shown positive results... 29 of those studies were found to be statistically significant regarding use of ivermectin alone." / Twitter

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