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What's going on with this so called Russian coup?

As near as I can tell from reading various accounts, Prigozhin is a mercenary who feels betrayed by Russian military leaders.

Part of the bigger problem in all of thise will be getting real and accurate information out of Russia. Not really known for their media transparency.

But apparently Prigozhin was sort of hired (along with 20-25 thousand troops) to fight along side Russian troops in Ukraine. Prigozhin has been complaining that the defense minister and others in charge are botching the war and hamstringing his forces. But the most allegations are that these troops were recently attacked and Prigozhin believes they were attacked by Russia (not Ukraine). So he has taken his troops out of Ukraine and back into Russia and from all accounts has overtaken a military base a few hundred miles south of Moscow and is planning on going all the way to Moscow.

This comes on the heels of what is supposedly a botched counteroffensive from the Ukrainians that had left them reeling. So just when it looked like Putin and Russia might be getting the upper hand, this whole coup deal takes place. Good timing for Zelensky and Ukraine?

Now the question really lies in how exposed is Moscow because of how many troops they have currently in Ukraine? We also have to question exactly how many troops the so called rebellion actually has and how many troops are still loyal to Russia. Apparently the mercenary army has encountered no real resistance so far. But some of that could literally be that this was a surprise move and who anticipated Russian loyal troops to be attacking Russians?

Either way... the more Putin is backed into a corner, the more dangerous he becomes. People judge this situation under the pretense that Putin is a normal leader with a normal moral compass, rather than the borderline lunatic egocentric leader he actually is. Before things get too far along, we might see a serious escalation. Let's not forgot that Putin still has the nuclear option (quite literally) up his sleeve. I think he uses it before he gives in to a rebellion. The only question is the degree that he decides to use them.




Now it all seems like much ado about nothing. The rebel army is heading back to Ukraine after coming to some sort of "deal" with Belarus.... Go figure.

Just when you think Ukraine got a break, looks like we are back to talking about their failed counteroffensive and supply problems.





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