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What is going on in Gaza?

The Israeli military dealt a major blow on Thursday to the terror group Hamas by destroying its main weapons manufacturing site in Gaza. 

This vast web of rocket and weapons manufacturing factories, hidden inside civilian buildings in central Gaza, was connected through a massive network of underground tunnels. The dozens of terrorist-run factories were “connected to a tunnel route hundreds of kilometers long,” the Israel Defense Forces revealed Thursday. 

Apparently these tunnels were literally being used to move weapons underground from the factory and all the way up to the Israeli border. Hundreds of miles of tunnels have now been discovered and we wonder when it will all end. The cost of building this sort of war machine infrastructure must have been astronomical and likely used up most of the "humanitarian aid" that was supposed to to to the people of Gaza.

Meanwhile, everywhere else in the world, the antisemite pro-Palestine protesters are still going strong, blocking traffic, attacking cops, demanding their enemies die and all the fun stuff that comes with your typical Islamic radical and those who are falling in line with them just for kicks. Again, lots of good peaceful Muslims in the world. I even know several. But that doesn't excuse those who are anything but good and peaceful or the idiots who are taking up this cause.

As the war wages on in Gaza, Hamas is being picked apart and destroyed piece by piece. I've said it before and I will say it again. The calls for a ceasefire are not about saving lives, but about saving Hamas and saving the terror infrastructure.



Unknown member
Jan 19, 2024

How it started -

How it ended -


Unknown member
Jan 19, 2024
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