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Was there a post debate bounce?

Averaging everything out since the debate shows a straight polling bump of just over one point

As you can see, some of the most recent pollsters (Big Village, J.L Partners, YouGov/Economist, and Morning consult) are showing larger gains than previous pollsters did. According to Nate Silver, there has been a change of about 0.7 points over the past week (which would include pretty much off of these polls). That seems consistent with what RCP and others have shown. Much depends on which polling you include and what weight you give them.

From what I have seen, there is a combination of some movement with the demographics such as Trump garnering less Democrats and slight changes in Independents, but the lion's share of the change seems to be in more line with just sampling more Democrats than previous polls. I think we need to see where things are in a couple of weeks to see if anything has really changed.

Of course, what really matters are the state polls and to some degree those are actually looking slightly better for Trump over the past week or so. He has led in the past five polls released in North Carolina and Georgia and has retaken the RCP lead in Pennsylvania. If Trump wins those three states, then not much else matters.


1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 18, 2024

Actually Activote came out with a poll also showing a bump for Harris. Between that and some polls by Quinnipiac that were favorable for Harris, the 538 and Silver averages are back up into the 3 point range.

Based on the spreadsheet, my own polling averages and the overall average of the averages, we are now looking at about a 2.5% - 2.8% Harris lead.

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