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War is hell and there is a war going on right now!

Sanders and AOC attack the bedwetters and suggest they are catering to corporate donors! They demand that they stop their complaints and get behind Biden. Hakeem Jeffries also reiterated his support today.

This really complicates matters. Now it is being said that Biden has not only not made a decision to drop out as reported, but that his whole team is "fuming" over the attacks from the "establishment" Democrats. Couple that with Democrats now coming out in favor of Biden remaining in the race, and this is starting to get good.

I think it is a good bet that this coup is (as suggested) being played out by three groups:

  • The media

  • Establishment Democrats

  • Big donors

The big media story was from Mark Halperin who provided way too many details to suggest it wasn't totally credible. He even claimed to even have knowledge of the person writing Biden's speech regarding him dropping out. How on earth would he have all these details if the story wasn't true. Perhaps it was more "pressure" on Biden to suggest that it was a foregone conclusion. Then you had Schiff and Tester both come out this week and the continuing buzz has been about how donations are drying up. But why on earth would Schiff and Tester both make statements if Biden leaving was already a done issue?

Nope. All of that was too counterintuitive to be factual. If Biden leaving was a done deal then everyone who hadn't said anything would just shut the F up. Moreover, there didn't seem to be any gathering of the Biden inner circle in Delaware, as you would expect if he was going to be giving a big press conference to bow out of the race. As long as Biden is convinced that he can still win and he has support from people like Sanders, AOC, and Jeffries then he likely has enough reasoning to stay in the race.

While it is true that a handful of Democrats have come out over the past few days to call on him to resign, now we have others coming out in support, something we have not seen for a couple of weeks now.

As strange as it sound, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might be the voice of reason right now in the Party. She seems to be one of the few who is acknowledging that there is no modern day precedent for a candidate being replaced this late in the race, and that there is no real clear option of how it would work and who could replace him. As she states, people are not looking at this with both eyes open. They seem to want to proceed with step one (getting Biden to resign) without really having figured out how to exactly proceed from there. If they push out Biden, they lose Biden people. If they resist the call to turn over the candidacy to Harris, they lose the black caucus and alienate more black voters. Sometimes there are no good options, and the best thing to do is suck it up and deal with the fact that they are likely not going to keep the White House.

Meanwhile, there are still solid plans to hold a virtual roll call less than three weeks from now to officially nominate their candidate. The DNC powers to be who hold that power are still suggesting it is Biden and this is their arena, likely because virtually all of the elected Delegates were chosen by Biden's team to back Biden. The media, elected officials, and donors have no power to change any of that, other than to make demands.

Tick tock tick tock.



Unknown member
Jul 20, 2024

There's one less imbecile in the world today...

But she’ll vote Donk in Nov


Unknown member
Jul 20, 2024


Unknown member
Jul 20, 2024


Unknown member
Jul 20, 2024

Unknown member
Jul 19, 2024

So WW3 has broken out. Only it's between 3 groups of democrats.

and the time bomb may be whatever really happened at the rally.

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