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WaPo Journalist makes up a Fetterman quote and then deletes it.

Of course the internet is forever and this was captures before he got a chance to delete

If you actually listen to the troubled ramblings of the brain damaged Fetterman, you would not in a million years have heard what this person quoted.

The idea, of course, is to make is seem like Fetterman is completely normal, physically okay, and not suffering from the ill-effects of a massive stroke that left him pretty much unable to speak coherently.

At this point, everything he states is being read from notes. He says nothing on his own and does not appear to even understand much of what he is reading out loud. Even given the notes in front of him, what comes out is often times still completely incoherent as if he cannot really even understand what is written down, much less repeat it with any accuracy.



Unknown member
May 18, 2023


Unknown member
May 17, 2023

Too bed Gov Lester Maddox isn’t alive, he’d beat them all riding his bicycle backwards


Unknown member
May 17, 2023

I can hear the benny hill music already. Perhaps allow Feinstein and her wheelchair to race against them.


Unknown member
May 17, 2023

How about a pay-per-view bike race between Biden and Fetterman.

with both miked up !!!

and no real course

just a destination

would be hillarious

Monty Python look out

or Benny Hill

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