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USSC to hear Trump's immunity case and decide it on it's merits.

It's been scheduled for the last of the USSC 2024 sessions and leaves the stay on Smith's trials on stay till after a decision, which might not come till late June.

So liberals are hopping mad because it has become more and more unlikely that Trump will see either of his Federal trials before the election. These liberals, of course, are specifically mad at the USSC for taking a case that most are sure Trump will lose.

However, the fact that the USSC took on the case suggests that at least four of them believe there is a case being made that needs to be heard. Or it could be exactly what liberals suggest; which is that the USSC has decided to get involved in the election timing of Jack Smith and the Biden administration. Certainly it would serve Smith, Garland, and Biden right to have this delayed till after the election. After all, it was their decision to wait this late in the game to bring charges. These same charges could have been brought a year or two ago. But it appeared that the plan all along was to allow Trump to get through the primary season, win the nomination, and then get a guilty verdict that would all but assure Biden wins reelection. By some accounts, this was all working to perfection with the potential for four different criminal trials to dominate the headlines all spring and summer long. Now it looks like we might not see anything but the weak NY case (which even if Bragg wins, will not likely stand up on appeal).

McCarthy suggests that Smith won a partial victory by not allowing Trump to first appeal to the full appellate court, which potentially could have delayed this even further. But I find it unlikely that even if Trump could wait it out, that the USSC would decided against hearing the case before they finished up for 2024 summer session. I have a strong suspicion that we are now and have always been looking at a late June decision by the USSC. Even if everything was expediated at that point, there is no way a trial gets started before August and most likely gets delayed till September. Since both of Smith's trials are likely to take several weeks they would run right into the 60 day moratorium on politicized prosecutions. Smith would have to pretty much ignore any and all Justice Department protocol to bring either case to trial.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why the left is so mad right now. Their well laid plans of Trump winning the nomination and then being found guilty of defrauding America over his election challenges is falling apart at the seams.

But I digress. Perhaps there is a chance that the USSC could see merit in the case. The argument being that Presidents must be able to make decisions while in office without having to worry about being prosecuted. Perhaps even prosecuted by their political opponents once they leave office. The counter argument has always been that it would be way more likely that a President could get away with a crime, than it would be to see a President prosecuted by a corrupt successor for partisan reasons.

But if the Justices see the Jack Smith prosecution like many Americans do, then perhaps they see that it just might be more realistic to point to the latter rather than the former. Perhaps that provides Trump's argument with merit enough for the USSC to at least draw some conclusions other than just to dismiss it all together. After all, Trump is literally being charged for doing legal things by a underling of his political opponent under the pretense that he did these legal things with corrupt intent. That seems exactly what Presidential immunity would prevent. Do I think it is a long shot? Well, the fact that they are going to hear the case on it's merits is enough for me to believe it is not as long as some believe.

Lastly, there is also a third option. Perhaps the court already feels strongly that all of these Jan 6th obstruction charges are actually a misuse of the statute and that they plan on tossing them. This, of course, would also lead to the probability that Smith's DC election charges would also be invalid. Perhaps the idea of taking the immunity case is to make sure nothing happens until they rule on that obstruction statute case. If they were to rule in favor of the Jan 6th defendants, then even if Trump loses the immunity deal Smith would have to remake his charges and possibly even need a new indictment. He would be looking at a stripped down case that would lack the sort of teeth needed to make the political point.



Unknown member
Feb 29, 2024

Why, it's almost as if the entire point of this prosecution is to influence the election, and Maddow and her cohorts are upset it might not happen before November. 

With that said, there's one big problem with the protestations being displayed by the far left: It was Special Counsel Jack Smith who asked SCOTUS to take up the issue. 

Back in December, Smith urged the Supreme Court to skip the appeals court process and grant an expedited decision on whether Trump's claim of presidential immunity applies. Instead, the Supreme Court allowed the lower court to make its ruling first before granting cert. In other words, Smith is still getting exactly what he wanted, albeit in a more delayed fashion. 

Only now has…


Unknown member
Feb 29, 2024

The left is hopping mad?

What that should tell any honest person is that the left has no actual respect for the rule of law as they claim, and they're only truly interested in lawfare by any mean necessary to get the Bad Orange Man.


Unknown member
Feb 29, 2024

Maybe justice will prevail and the democrats will cry a river. This could be the "jump the shark" moment for our republic. There may still be a shining city on a hill...

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