Then why continue to lie to the public?
Yesterday, FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed that the FBI believes that Covid-19 did originate from a lab in China. While liberal pundits have tried to dismiss the similar finding of the Department of Energy, the public attention of the FBI will make it more difficult to spin out of this major story. Yet, the most interest moment with Wray came in an interview with Fox News host Bret Baier. Wray told Baier that the agency has, “for quite some time now, assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.” The notion that the FBI has held this belief for “quite some time now” is unnerving since it remained stoney silent as experts and commentators were censored and shunned for even uttering the theory.
Sometimes there are obvious reasons for the Government to cover something up and other times there is not. While there doesn't appear to be an "obvious reason" here for why the US government has made it such a thing to not blame Covid on a lab leak, it is also quite obvious that there has to be a pretty important one. You do not spend the massive amounts of time and energy denying the possibility as well as censoring and attacking anyone who claimed it just for the fun of it. There has to be ample reasoning.
In most cases we might argue that we have to follow the money or follow the power. Who benefits from pushing this sort of lie so hard? What possible reasoning is there?
For now we are sort of stuck with the gain of function research as being at least related first hand to the reasoning. The Administration has been routinely defending this process and we know that Fauci and others within the CDC have been engaged in it here and apparently supported the Chinese efforts with financial investments?
The reality here is that there were a lot of companies (specifically medical) who made a busload of money from Covid, and those companies benefited from a lot of Government interference. The vaccines did not become a matter of free market design. They were mandated by the Government and the options limited by statutes, laws, and ordinances.
Think of how hard the pharmaceuticals are pushing oral treatments to Covid with the assistance of CDC and FDA fast tracking. Compare and contrast that with how the same Government handled the previously existing oral treatments that the rest of the world used (Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine). Not only were these safe treatments shunned by our powers, anyone who suggested that they worked, would be censored, dropped from social media, and cancelled.
I used to believe this was about politics. I am not sure that it still wasn't at least to some degree. What Trump and the GOP said simply had to be argued against. Whatever they were for the left had to be against. But I also think it was about lining the pockets of certain people who were in heavy with gain of function research and the pharmaceuticals. That is the part that need to be investigated.
The Chi-coms are fucking evil. That's why it's easy to believe Covid was an intentional bio-weapon launched against the world.
And they deliberately didn't stop foreign travel after they knew they were infecting the world
"The man on the left is Kristian Andersen, a British scientist who emailed Fauci 1/31/20, saying the virus looks lab-made. The man on the right is Kristian Andersen, the guy who Fauci called on 2/1/20 and ordered to publicly say it wasn’t lab-made, which he did. Fauci then gave…" / Twitter
Fauci should be charged by Garland
I guess after the FBI figures out who the big guy is
while they politically pursue Trump...
Not too long ago a Chinese family was murdered 7 miles from where I live. Mom, Dad, son & daughter. Butchered. State Police investigator we know was part of the initial investigative team said the kids were killed first. Gutted in front of the parents. Definitely Chinese organized crime. They've never been caught.
The Chi-coms are fucking evil. That's why it's easy to believe Covid was an intentional bio-weapon launched against the world.
Yan might as well have suggested she has smoking gun evidence against the Clintons!
Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng Yan
Her days are numbered.