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Two wins for the rule of law!

Jan 6th defendants win their appeal over the obstruction charge and Chevron is history!

So one thing that has not been brought up as far as I have seen is that two of Smith's charges against Trump in the Jan 6th case involve the use of this same obstruction argument (one obstruction and one conspiracy to do so). Basically this ruling very likely undermines at least half of Smith's case in D.C.

While waiting on the bigger Trump immunity decision that appears set for Monday, Smith will have to take a hard look at how his Jan 6th indictment stands after this decision? It would basically leave two uncharted charges of defrauding the US Government and conspiracy to violate civil rights. These are basically silly arguments that it is illegal to challenge election results, something that would have broad repercussions in any and all future elections. What is the actual difference between legitimately challenging election results and doing so with the intent to defraud or violate voting rights? What lines would need to be crossed here?

If the argument was that the conspiracy and defrauding was in part because he incited the illegal behavior of obstruction, then then tosses a large wrench into the case. Arguing that his challenges and political rhetoric was criminal based on the tired "state of mind" argument with no ability to link it to other crimes seems very undermining indeed.

Now it will be open season for appeals and possibly lawsuits for violations of civil rights for those Jan 6th defendants that did actual jail time for these bogus charges that never should have been brought. Even the hopelessly partisan D.C. Courts will have a hard time getting around this USSC decision if they attempt to rule against these appeals.

More on Chevron to come!



Unknown member
Jun 28, 2024

Reagan's last press conference:

President Reagan's 44th Press Conference on December 8, 1988 (

democrats said he had Alzheimer's disease, compare him to Joe.

Reagan answered questions lucidly and had a great grasp of the details even as he was leaving office

Listening to some of Trump's answers reminded me of Reagan, his cadence and tone.

being democrat must be a mental disease so they just can't see what has happened to them


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2024

The J6 defendants need to be replaced with those who locked them up.

Including every single member of the J6 committee.


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2024

The J6 defendants need to be replaced with those who locked them up. Never again.


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2024

Trump needs to pardon every single J6 defendant, both the convicted and those awaiting trial.


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2024

What a wonderful Friday!

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