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Two more suspects mistakenly identified as white supremist

The Dallas mall shooter was first identified as a White Supremacist by several news outlets and the speculation was that the person who drove their car into the group of immigrants was also a white supremacist.

Problem is that the Dallas mall shooter was Hispanic with supposed ties to the Cartel and the driver of the car was black.

The media is still pushing the mall shooter as a white supremacist because he supposedly had some "right wing extremist" views. There are image of him (without showing his face) as a man with Nazi tattoos and some other images (that are too far away to show his face) showing him supposedly driving a VW Bug with Nazi emblems all over it. It would seem a little odd that a Hispanic man from Mexico would be sporting Nazi tattoos while driving around in a Nazi-mobile, so I take the social media postings with a grain of sale. Funny how his face is not shown in any of those images and the car he drove to the mall was not the Nazi-mobile from the photos.

What we know is that he is of Mexican decent and his parents did not even speak English when the police came to talk to him? His victims were largely white suburban folks. Hard to imagine that the "motivation" was White Supremacy given those circumstance? A Hispanic man shooting white people is an act of White Supremacy? Sure.

Oh.. and how ridiculous does it end up being when the speculation of a White Supremacist running down immigrants with his car turns out to be a younger black male who was likely just inebriated and lost control of a car he should not have been driving.

But this is the media world we live in.



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