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Twitter files part VI - Justification for censorship came from the FBI

The FBI was pretty much embedded in the Twitter censor decision making

Imagine how much this influenced that gaslighting of the Twitter employees

As we’ve seen so far, the leftist ideologues at Old Twitter were ruthless in their targeting of accounts that didn’t toe their ideological line. Wrong think was not only discouraged but actively suppressed.
Left-wing journalist Matt Taibbi has released the latest installment of the #TwitterFiles, and these reveal the direct involvement in censorship of and, arguably, interference with an election, by a thoroughly corrupt and politicized FBI. (link)

So you thought you had free speech on Twitter? Think again. It was not just tweets and retweets, but even comments and flippant jokes were being censored. Moreover people were being banned at the request of our own FBI for having the views outside of the liberal views the FBI wanted to push. This wasn't just about Hunter Biden's laptop or particular stories seen as "disinformation". This was ideological from these FBI employees. Meaning that by proxy, the Federal law enforcement agency was activity pushing the personal politics (of their members) on America during an election. Plain and simple. No other way to view it.

Twitter, with their ultra-liberal mostly white women activist employees were all but happy to oblige.

Now put this into perspective. Think about how easy it is for some people to be gaslighted be even the slightest bit of confirmation bias. Now imagine your belief that opposing viewpoints should be censored and that anyone holding these views should be prevented from speaking is actually backed up by the FBI. You are actually being told by the Federal law enforcement agency that you are correct to see political speech you disagree with as dangerous. The amount of confirmation bias that these people must have had that their beliefs about censorship were just and righteous must have been absolutely overwhelming. No wonder many of them still believe that what they were doing was right and are unwilling to apologize.

Meanwhile for the rest of America not dumbed down by nonsensical liberal bias, these revelations are shocking and represent maybe the greatest threat to free speech we have ever seen. Make no mistake here. There can be no democracy or any freedom what-so-ever without free speech. Free speech is the backbone of freedom. The first step to turning any government into an oppressive regime is to thwart the freedoms of dissenters from speaking. When that starts to happen here it must be stopped. Unfortunately it apparently needs to be stopped by private citizens with the power to so something about it. Without Elon Musk, we would not only be in the dark, but our country would still be heading towards fascism.



Unknown member
Dec 17, 2022

Didn't even know they were playing until I saw the score was 33 - 0.

Then I was on Twitter and saw Indy post something about how the Vikings spotted the Colts 33 points and 30 minutes. Now it looks like it is in O.T.

Crazy. Have the game on DVR - might watch it if they win.


Unknown member
Dec 17, 2022

Colts vs Vikings, wow.


Unknown member
Dec 17, 2022

The response from Roger:

I read your blog article and sadly again you actually believe that the FBI and of course the Deep State Conspirators are attacking people willing to post antisemitism and hate for non Christians ✝️.


Not sure that that means exactly... but I think he misses the point.

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