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Trump trial plods along into week three

Apparently the prosecution finally decides to call a couple of people from the Trump team to follow up on the actual charges of falsifying business records.

According to sources, it took most of the day to question one witness and then the second witness was not available today. All to talk about the payments to Michael Cohen.

Apparently there was a problem for the prosecution when the Trump accountant (controller) told the jury that Trump was not the person who originally oversaw any of the original documents or was involved in the first few payments. Obviously Trump knew the payments were being made. But the first of payments were made out of a trust before they switched over to Trump paying them out of his own check book. This means that whatever original agreement to pay them or how to book them would not have been up to Trump. He only became personally involved further down the road when he started to sign checks.

Now all of that being said, this would seem obvious. By the time these payments were being made and checks were being signed, Trump was the Commander in Chief of the US Military, the President, and the so called "most powerful man on earth". What sort of day to day oversight would he have in regards to legal payments. Probably not much, considering he was living at the White House and responsible for running the United States of America.

Now the defense also pointed out that while it might have been important for Cohen (as the attorney) to split up his payments between legal expenses (the actual NDA) and legal fees (his payment as a lawyer), for Trump there would be no difference. To the client, both the NDA and the attorney's fees associated would be considered legal expenses. So there would be no tax implications or any other reason to make any particular line item breakdown of the overall bill as anything other than a legal expenses. The idea that it would be a felony to just pay the bill and book it as an expense is mindboggling stupid.

We'll see where things go from here. The man who is a disbarred attorney, convicted felon, and serial convicted perjurer is about ready to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. Won't that be a kick in the pants!



Unknown member
May 07, 2024

With these new Regional Processing and Distribution Centers USPS is rolling out we might not know who’s elected *or selected until 2027.

Richmond and ATL have been nightmares

*I know embrace the power of “AND”


Unknown member
May 07, 2024

And voting now takes weeks if not months and becomes less and less secure.

Well, how can democrats know how many more ballots they need to produce if they can't see how many they are behind by?

You want elections determined in a single day?

That's RAY-CISS.


Unknown member
May 07, 2024

My old boss’ 60’ Hatteras sport fisher burned 45 gallons of fuel an hour

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