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This is what at New York liberal looks like!

The man is still defending his tweet as free speech. I bet he believes that Trump "incited" violence by telling his supporters Biden cheated.

This guy is running for Congress?

Seriously, this guy wants 150 million Americans to die, because he doesn't like their politics. But demands that it is the GOP who are being disingenuous and hypocritical for calling him out on this.

I will give the guy props for not deleting the tweet (or whatever it is called these days). Openly demanding violence is a liberal staple these days. Why? Because he knows they are likely going to lose across the board in 2024.



Unknown member
Apr 22

We may not even be able to vote our way out if elections are compromised. It occurred to me that one reason Joe must remain the Democrat candidate is that all the illegals flooding in are being told to vote for Joe. If he's not on the ballot there goes that strategy...


Unknown member
Apr 22

And while this asshole is spouting this hatred, FJB is is quite literally pandering to the "Death To America!!!11!" crowd, so fearful he is of losing their vote.

Tell me again how we vote our way out of this?


Unknown member
Apr 22

When these people tell you who they are, believe them.

There's not a dime's worth of difference between this asshat and James Hodgkinson.

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