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This is interesting...

The employees argue they wore BLM attire to protest workplace racism, such as when the grocery store offered ‘free food to police during the time of a protest against police brutality,’ which left black employees ‘concerned for their safety.’

Employees admitted that their attire would likely offend customers, but argued that those customers who are offended should go shop somewhere else. As if it is the employees (not store owners) who get to determine who the store's clientele should include. Hint: It should include as many people as possible and offending known shoppers it not a good business decision. Certainly store owners should not be forced to offend shoppers because employees feel that supporting police is a "concern for their safety" and want to protest the store they are working at.

If you are afraid of police in general and are scared when someone treats them nicely, well then perhaps you have some bigger issues and perhaps employers have every right to fire you. You especially should be fired if you are going to protest not just being nice to police but protest your own company.

At issue here is a larger principle. Can employers enforce any sort of dress code, even if that dress code is little more than asking employees to refrain from wearing clothing that pushes political or social issues? I get that we should welcome freedom of dress in most public situations (such as a public school or public building). But to suggest that an employer has no right to put a dress code in place because it is "racist" is more than a little ridiculous.

Would we have an issue if the fired employees were wearing Proud Boy attire and telling their bosses that anyone offended should go shop elsewhere? Very doubtful. While I know that the random liberal would argue that is it not the same thing, under the law it is exactly the same thing. There is no distinction between an offensive far right organization and an offensive far left organization (and believe me when I say many people are offended by BLM and their attire).




That’s why he’s a genius, just ask him



I wonder if anyone should tell him that the United States is an example of a Federalism... where local and state government share power with our federal government.

MESSAGE... Federalism is not going to happen

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