Generally these things get blamed on the GOP regardless of who is in charge

If the government defaults on its debt, 39 percent of Americans say they would blame Republicans in Congress, while 36 percent say they would blame President Biden. On top of that, 16 percent say that they would blame both sides.
Democrats have long believed that nearly everyone would back them and blame the GOP for any default. This has held true whether the President was Republican and Congress was Democrat or if the President was Democrat and Congress was Republican or any other combination. No matter what, the general public has overwhelmingly blamed the GOP. So this poll comes as a welcome change.
Sure... a small plurality will blame the Republicans. But a majority will blame Democrats (either on their own or as part of the blame). Moreover, the amount of Americans who believe that spending limits should be part of the debt ceiling discussion has been rising, with a 15 percent rise with independents.
All of this suggests that the GOP can stick to their guns a little bit here. I noticed the poll here did not bring up the fact that the Republican House already has a bill to head this off. I think if people took an honest look at that bill that they would be more willing than not to support the action (vs inaction).
I don't believe that most people really take our deficit or national debt seriously anymore. Why should they? We just keep adding to it like it is an unlimited credit card.
Out debt today is like having the equivalent to 4.5 times your yearly salary in unsecured debt.
And I think annual interest on our debt is around $580 billion and is dwarfed by incoming revenue. No default is necessary and the "fat" should be cut first, not last. But that would take a competent administration.