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The Supreme Court cannot stop me!

And also, don't vote for Trump because he will be a dictator.

“Early in my term, I announced a major plan to provide millions of working families with debt relief for their college student debt. Tens of millions of people in debt were literally about to be canceled in debts. But my MAGA Republican friends in the Congress, elected officials and special interests stepped in and sued us. And the Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn’t stop me.”

So this is basically the liberal elitists (by proxy through the President) attempting to normalize the concept that you can simply ignore the USSC when their rulings are inconvenient for you. After all, the USSC has become (in the eyes of the left) a big bad boogie man and should not be given the respect that previous courts were provided. But to "brag" about the fact that you are ignoring the USSC rulings is truly an exercise in arrogance and a flagrant disregard for the rule of law.

Of course, they will scream bloody murder if something like that would ever happen from the Republican side, because if the extreme MAGA Supreme Court ruled against a Republican, then it must be righteous. Ruling against a Democrat, however, is simply politics.

Now I get that there is a difference. His original program would have "forgiven" about $500 billion in student loans. This latest ploy affects only people who have been paying for some time, only owe a small amount, and would only cost 1.2 billion. This will not be a big benefit for most of the people he originally promised he would bail out. It is more of a talking point than anything tangible. However, it still blatantly disregards the USSC ruling. The USSC does not have a police force that can go enforce their rulings. That job has historically been played out by the executive branch of the Government. What do you do when the Executive branch simply refuses?



Unknown member
Feb 24, 2024

No republicans are above the Law

just democrats.


Unknown member
Feb 23, 2024

Whether $500 BILLION or $1.2 BILLION nothing is being forgiven. It's being transferred from the social justice/grievance studies/wymyn studies/black studies baristas to the taxpayers.

What do you do when the Executive branch simply refuses?

You impeach. But that requires courage and an honest media to report the facts. Absent those two things you do nothing, and you let Biden continue to fuck the taxpayer with his obvious vote buying scheme.

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