Biden team insisted that they let NARA know as soon as they found classified documents and were totally engaged and cooperative with everyone. New evidence suggests that they knew about these documents 20 months earlier, lied to authorities, and likely tampered with the evidence before turning it over.
According to Turley:
The committee now alleges that the White House “omitted months of communications, planning, and coordinating among multiple White House officials, [Kathy] Chung, Penn Biden Center employees, and President Biden’s personal attorneys to retrieve the boxes containing classified materials. The timeline also omitted multiple visits from at least five White House employees, including Dana Remus, Anthony Bernal, Ashley Williams, Annie Tomasini, and an unknown staffer.”
If true, the evidence demolishes the timeline long maintained by the Biden team. That could have an immediate impact on both the criminal and impeachment investigations.
Not sure this has much impact on the criminal version of events at least as it pertains to the President or anyone close to him. The Special Counsel handling all of this is likely under very strict orders to not find anything, much less charge anyone with anything. The idea that this puts pressure on Special Counsel Hur to show that he also found the same thing appears logical. After all, wouldn't it be embarrassing if after all this time, a full time Special Counsel never found what a Congressional investigation found in a few weeks? But one alternative is for Hur to "dispute" the finding of the Congressional investigation, demanding that he did not find the same evidence or come to the same conclusions. He could insist that congress is politicizing the evidence to show something that isn't proven and he knows that he would get support from both the Democrats in congress and the left wing media.
The other alternative would be for Hur to find some sort of "fall person" and fall back on the tried and true rhetoric that there is no "direct evidence" that the President was involved himself. He could indict some low level Biden aid with some ideas of obstruction or lying to investigators, while leaving the underlying crimes alone. This way he gets around the idea of not being able to indict a sitting President, while still appearing to do his job.
All I know is that this congress has been a nightmare for the President and his rating continue to implode as more and more people feel like he has committed crimes or acted unethically.
I think roger was just letting you know he's on a path to self-discovery and is talking to himself.
It's about the last step of dementia.
and the band plays on.
And he’s a demented loon, locked away without a key code
MESSAGE... You are a disgrace and a fascist man
This in a nutshell is why the shellacking will occur. 42% in 8 months? Are you fucking kidding me? My wife won’t call them grits
Joey Shits-Pants is on FIRE!: