FOX news poll suggests what most people already suspect
That if Trump is behind by two points in any poll, that he is likely ahead where it counts. RCP has something similar where their overall polling sits at +2 for Harris, but their overall battleground state polling shows it virtually tied or within 0.2 point either way depending on the day. People get hung up on the popular vote and the national polling.
But keep in mind that Trump does not have win the popular vote or even come all that close to win back the Presidency. His numbers are still on the rise in North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona. With the exception of the Quinnipiac poll (a pollster who understated Trump support by an average of nearly seven points over the past two elections in their previous battleground states), he has been polling well in Pennsylvania. If you put a gun to my head, I would argue that three points or more would be what Harris would need to win the popular vote by to win the electoral college.
If rumors are to believe, both the Harris and the Trump internal polling suggest that these battleground state polls are painting a better picture for Harris than the internals are showing. I have read multiple stories suggesting Harris and team are very concerned over Pennsylvania. They very likely "need" Pennsylvania to win, and they might end up regretting picking Walz over Shapiro if they end up losing it. Hand-wringing as a term I read.
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