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The FBI has been attempting to purge Trump supporters from their ranks

FBI revoked security clearance because an agent vocalized support for Trump, objected to Covid-19 vaccinations, and was one of the 40,000 people to attend the Jan 6th rally.

Here are some of the questions and reasoning for this:

  • "Vocalize support for President Trump?"

  • "Vocalize objection to Covid-19 vaccination?"

  • "Vocalize intent to attend 01/06/2021 ?" 

Now, of course there is no law against being a Trump supporter (as much as liberals would like to make one) or being correct about the Covid-19 vaccinations. There is certainly nothing security related to attending a rally. And if violence breaking out when attending a rally is proof that being part of the 99% of those who were not violent makes you complicit then everyone who ever attended a liberal rally that was "mostly peaceful" would be just as complicit. Of course, a "mostly peaceful" liberal rally is one where "everyone" (even those who were violent) is innocent and just in their actions.

The latest blatant attempts of our Government deep state to indoctrinate everyone into an unpopular bubble of liberal ideals is a large part of what is driving the general public to mistrust them. The liberal bubble truly believes that they are doing the bidding of the righteous ones, while attempting to use all of the powers of the Government to stomp on those bad people who disagree. The problem is that they really do not understand the true amount of resentment out there from the majority of Americans.



Unknown member
Jun 13


Unknown member
Jun 13


Unknown member
Jun 13


Unknown member
Jun 13

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