A staple on social media... liberals demand that you "defend" Trump without "whataboutism"? Really? As if it is not a valid argument?
So apparently equal treatment under the law is no longer a basic American principle, even though such equal treatment is guaranteed by the constitution.
If two people follow through with the same basic actions (or close enough as it would be suggested under the law) then if there is a difference in how those two people are treated, then it is absolutely a valid argument to bring up. But in a unique window of time, we have seen such ideals wiped away by a rogue legal system that quite literally has two different systems of justice.
You are a liberal protesting Donald Trump's election victory and you throw a brick that hits a Capital police officer and sends him to the hospital. Well then you get off with no criminal charges against you. You are a conservative protesting Joe Biden's election victory and throw a folding chair that bounces off a shield and injures nobody. Well then you are looking at a 14 year prison sentence.
You are a liberal who storms the capital building to try to stop a judicial committee hearing because you don't like Judge Kavanaugh, and you are arrested for illegal entrance to the capital complex and obstruction of an official government proceeding. Well you get off with a $35 citation. You are a conservative who walks in an open door of the capital complex and then walks back out a few minutes later. You are then hunted down after the fact and arrested for the exact same charges. Well... you are looking at upwards of 4 years in prison.
You are a Democratic candidate for President who is found with hundreds of classified documents in a homegrown server, you delete electronic evidence and destroy a server that is under subpoena, refuse to turn over your cell phones or laptops. You get the FBI director telling the world that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges. Or you are Joe Biden and have been holding onto classified documents for years, moving them from place to place and using them to write your memoirs. Well that is okay. But you are a Former Republican President and current GOP frontrunner... well we know what just happened. I don't need to rehash.
Sorry folks. But your hypocrisy cannot just be wiped away by demanding me pointing it out is "whataboutism" (which btw... wasn't even a word a decade ago). The issue here is just more hypocrisy and their own version of "censoring" what they do not want to hear.