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Teamsters do not endorse a Presidential candidate as rank and file members overwhelmingly back Trump

The left is livid that the teamsters are not endorsing Harris in spite of the fact that the members do not support her

Now personally I think that Trump and the GOP should be upset that the Teamsters did not endorse the overwhelming choice of their people. After all, are unions not supposed to represent the workers?

Now Harris is the first Democratic nominee for President to not get the endorsement of the Teamsters since Dukakis back when he was running against Bush Sr. She got the endorsement of many other unions in spite of the concept that those union members also probably supported Trump. But labor unions (like black groups) are just supposed to be good little foot soldiers and support Democrats.

The question really is what good is an endorsement if your members are not going to follow it anyways?


1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 19, 2024

I bet every public employee union and teacher union are backing Harris. So there!!!

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