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So which is it Joe?

Support for Israel or support for Hamas and Gaza?

At the very beginning there appeared to be some confusion from liberals over which stance to take here. The knee jerk liberal reaction is to always blame Israel, but principle and decency was not having it this time.

After some initial hesitation the White House showed their support for the people of Israel, who were victims of probably the worst terror attack since 9-11. This was the correct thing to do.

But now we are hearing cracks in the support for Israel. They are now talking about sending aid to Gaza (which they certainly cannot promise will not be used for the war effort). They are acting as if there is some sort of separation between what Palestinian leaders do and the Palestinian people. Sorry, but this is no different from any war. You try to avoid civilian casualties, but they happen. This is on Hamas, not Israel. You can feel bad for the people on both sides and those emotions are fine to a degree.

But to not continue to support Israel as they take any and all action to prevent this sort of attack in the future is not really showing support for Israel. It is simply paying lip service and mocking what happened to them. I get that the Muslim world will be upset as Israel retaliates against Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza. But these people choose to live in Gaza and continue to support Hamas as their ex-facto leadership. You don't get to support a hate group and then not deal with the consequences for that hate. Israel has the right not only to defend themselves, but to take offensive to prevent this in the future.

Oh, and not only that... it was part of the entire point of the attack. To provoke a response that turns people against Israel. If it is obvious to me and most everyone paying attention, then someone in this crackpot Administration has figured it out (at least I would hope). You don't allow yourself to be played, which is what Hamas would have done to us if we pull our support for Israel as soon as the situation gets a little bit tough.

Is this a less than simple situation? Sure. But it is impossible for our Administration not to take a side. Once you take that side, that is your side. There is not a half assed political stance that can be taken to simply avoid responsibility as much as our Administration would like to think it is.



Unknown member
Oct 17, 2023

Ass🤡 US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

Well we pretty much can't even afford one (2 trillion dollar current deficit) How about three?, four?

thinking Taiwan and Iran. Who knows maybe North Korea too.

Reminds me of when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

the clowns are definitely in charge.


Unknown member
Oct 17, 2023

"America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel's military needs, and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia. The American economy is doing extremely well.

Ass🤡 US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen


Unknown member
Oct 17, 2023

But now we are hearing cracks in the support for Israel. They are now talking about sending aid to Gaza (which they certainly cannot promise will not be used for the war effort). They are acting as if there is some sort of separation between what Palestinian leaders do and the Palestinian people. Sorry, but this is no different from any war. You try to avoid civilian casualties, but they happen. This is on Hamas, not Israel. You can feel bad for the people on both sides and those emotions are fine to a degree.

Palestinian Authority Set To Pay Hamas Families Millions For Attacking Israel

There is no difference in the leaders and the people. Push them to…

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