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So we are supposed to feel sorry for poor Dylan Mulvaney

Dylan is upset that Bud Light has not reached out and apparently it was wrong for them to not stand up to the hate!

‘For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse than not hiring a trans person at all.

Because it gives customers permission to be as transphobic and as hateful as they want. There’s should be nothing controversial or divisive about working with us.

I have been ridiculed in public I’ve been followed and I have felt a loneliness that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.’

Well whether or not a man who is transitioning to a little girl becomes a spokesperson for a beer company should be controversial or divisive is certainly not something I will take Mulvaney at his/her word for it. The reality is that it certainly is controversial and quite obviously divisive. If either Mulvaney or the idiots at Bud Light had have a brain in their heads, this would have been obvious to them.

But these types of people live in their own little bubble and pretty much look down on everyone who is not part of that bubble. They simply do not live in the real world. In the real world, a grown man doing everything medically and socially to become a little girl is creepy. Period. To use this person to promote a blue collar beer was dumb.

Perhaps it is a little bit of tough love for Mulvaney (tough love was something we Boomers learned from our lives). It solidified that the world does not revolve around us and what we want at any particular moment. In fact, the world generally cares very little about our own little feelings.

Mulvaney is a spectacle and has benefited socially and most certainly financially for being as such. This was the life Mulvaney chose and Mulvaney chose to shove it up close into everyone's faces. To act as the victim because not everyone appreciated it?

As the kindly old grey haired philosopher used to say....

tough shit!


6 comentários

Membro desconhecido
30 de jun. de 2023
It's okay to stand with pride to some degree...

But these people have to understand that the entire pride movement is in danger of being taken down by the Trans crazies... They are simply outwardly hostile to everyone outside of pride.

Exactly -


Membro desconhecido
30 de jun. de 2023

Sure it's OK to support privately but certainly not the job of a CEO other than to make sure no discrimination is occurring in his/her company. Both ways.

And a month is way over-weighted.


Membro desconhecido
30 de jun. de 2023

I wonder which way the "error" went on most if not all of these...


Membro desconhecido
30 de jun. de 2023

It's okay to stand with pride to some degree...

But these people have to understand that the entire pride movement is in danger of being taken down by the Trans crazies... They are simply outwardly hostile to everyone outside of pride.


Membro desconhecido
30 de jun. de 2023

I saw the CEO doing interviews and you could tell he still stands with PRIDE. He needs to be shitcanned. Probably will then go on a college speaking tour.

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