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So, we are just going to be less illegal?

“We’re at 11,000” illegals per day, Sen. Thom Tillis said.

“We’ve seen what the White House has sent over … We’ve got to get somewhere closer to … 2,000 [migrants] a day [or 700,000 a year], and let’s figure out how we get it done.”

“But I think I’m going take it as a good faith offer, which is why I think we have to act in good faith and stay here [in Washington] until we get it negotiated.”

As most of us already realize, we are currently allowing more illegal immigrants into the country than we have newborn Americans. This has got to stop. Way back in the day (before Joe Biden) we saw about 30,000 migrants per month or about 360,000 per year. We are currently witnessing a negotiation to determine whether to increase this by double (GOP stance) versus increasing this by triple (the stance of Biden and the Democrats). Both seems completely unreasonable.

Moreover, the bargaining chip is whether or not to continue to send tens of billions of dollars in the black hole that is the Russia Ukraine war. Has there ever been a dumber political negotiation? We are determing how much money we should send to fund a war we shouldn't be funding against just how much criminal border crossings we want to let slide.

How about this for an idea. We stop the funding for the war that Ukraine will not win and we just follow the law on the southern border which suggests we stop illegals from entering? Shouldn't there be at least one or two prominent politicians out there willing to do what is right here? Can anyone tell us what sort of plan these morons have for the millions and millions of migrants currently wandering around the United States causing all sorts of problems?

Of course when we watch these sorts of politicized theatrics it makes it difficult to counter the argument that much of our current Government in D.C. is part of a "uniparty" that is working against U.S. interests in order to work for their own ability to stay in power. This sort of deal defies logic, but watch them find some form of logic to justify it. At the end of the day, doing what is right seems to be of little concern for those running D.C. Sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what is their concern.



Unknown member
Dec 18, 2023

Well Minnesotans certainly have a lot of Somalians and while the tone deafness is amazing, the good thing is that it is unlikely to offend any GenZers.


Unknown member
Dec 18, 2023

New Minnesota flag vs Jubaland state of Somalia flag. Realize where we are.


Unknown member
Dec 18, 2023

I guess we should rename the 2 major parties the Dumb Party and the Dumberer Party. Really is amazing what we are going through. Then again on the Dumb Party side we are being led by a politician with single digit approval numbers and a House with almost as bad.

With a non-partisan media, neutral big tech and election integrity this should be a layup for Trump.

But we don't have those and are being attacked by foreign aligned actors including Soros and our NGOs.

At least Minnesota has come up with a new flag. It helps identify the enemy.


Unknown member
Dec 18, 2023

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