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So the latest from the left wing media?

That the charges against Hunter Biden were prompted by political pressure, rather than the other way around...

To be clear, this is not a lockstep argument at this point. There are some on the left who are begrudgingly admitting that this doesn't pass the smell test. But the truly "all in" members of the left wing press are pushing the narrative that Hunter is being punished (not pampered) by the political process.

According to this logic, the fair and just thing to do was for the DOJ to ignore the IRS recommendations of felony charges, to undermine DOJ investigations, to allow the statute of limitations to run out on potential charges, and then let Hunter Biden off without so much as a citation. The only reason why poor David Weiss and Hunter Biden had to have this unnecessary adversarial complication was because those evil partisan Republicans called those pesky evil whistleblowers to testify in front of everyone. That put political pressure on Weiss to bring the grossly unfair overcharging of misdemeanor charges with no jail time and total immunity.

Seriously. This is the actual argument being put forth.

Now it is one thing to ignore all of these whistleblowers. Not just the IRS ones, but several from the FBI and DOJ who have come forward, along with the damning testimony of longtime Hunter associate Devon Archer. It's another to suggest that because you have ignored all of this testimony, the evidence presented by them should become logically irrelevant to the situation. This would be known as the Ostrich style stick your head in the sand defense.

But these whistleblowers exist and to the extent to what they have testified to, there is really nobody pushing back on the underlying facts of what they are bring forward. There is a lot of politicized gamesmanship where the Democrats have used strawman or red herring in the hearings to suggest that what the whistleblowers were testifying to was not as important as it first appears. But nothing to suggest any of the testimony from anyone is not 100% the truth.

But truth or not, the testimony doesn't stop the left from pushing back.

The suggestions from Democrats appear to be a logically indefensible position. Because the IRS whistleblowers do not have evidence that Joe Biden benefited from Hunter's tax issues, or because Devon Archer could supply no evidence that Joe ever made any "public" threats or promises to influence Ukraine or China, that they have successfully debunked any and all allegations of wrong doing. This is total nonsense and they look stupid even trying to make this argument.

David Archer testified that he witnessed first hand and provided evidence that Burisma executives pressured Hunter Biden to ask his dad to get fire Prosecutor Victor Shokin who was in charge of an investigation of Burisma. IRS whistleblowers have evidence and recordings that show the Bidens accepting a 5 billion dollar bribe that is tied to the Ukrainian business. Joe Biden admits to using a billion dollars in U.S. aid to blackmail former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko into firing Shokin. The field investigator in charge of that investigation testified he was taken off the Burisma case within a week of Shokin being fired and that the case was never reassigned to anyone (meaning it died). But apparently because Archer did not see Hunter asking Joe, and because the evidence of the bribe does not include what Archer saw, and because Biden gave a different excuse for having Shokin fired, that this is all a "debunked conspiracy theory".

By this logic, unless there is one witness who can follow the entire trail of any crime and unless the accused cannot come up with any other excuse to their action (plausible or otherwise), then any prosecution that involves multiple witness, more than one piece of evidence, and a defendant that does not admit guilt is akin to a "debunked conspiracy theory".

Either way, the left is twisting themselves into knots trying to undermine all of the evidence in plain sight of a huge scandal involving the President. The latest attempts to spin the Hunter Biden charges as unfair to Hunter just might be the silliest so far.


7 則留言

“Hearing you talk about your house that had a little fire, you ‘almost lost your house and your Corvette,’ there were children that were incinerated to ash, you f***king old man, you vile human being,” one man said in a viral video.
“You’re so out of touch with the common man, you don’t even know how to speak to them,” he continued. “The only way you think you can establish commonality with them is to lie, ‘The same thing happened to you no matter what the tragedy is.’ He referenced Biden attempting to commiserate with Gold Star Moms who lost their son in action by citing his son Beau’s death from brain cancer: “Your son wasn’t killed in action, by…




"Jill and I have a little sense of what it's like to lose a home" and then tells the story of when lightning struck his house in 2004 and says "I almost lost my '67 corvette and my cat."


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