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So if Racism was still so obviously prevalent in society

Then why do we need to "teach" children that it exists? Wouldn't they just notice all the racism for themselves?

MESSAGE... America’s youth population is becoming more diverse everywhere An unfortunate consequence of new laws banning the teaching of diversity is that they will deprive our youth—the most racially diverse part of our population—with an understanding of how various historical factors ranging from slavery to discriminatory practices toward Latino or Hispanic and Asian immigrants have shaped both divisions and improvements in race relations that still exist in society today. It is a cover up that racism still exists.

The fact that our "youth" is more racially diverse than ever should be the sort of thing that could be used to our advantage to prevent racism from existing in the future. Almost every great idea and moments of progress throughout history came from forward looking ideas, not from looking back. So why not "look forward" and teach our children (by example) that everyone is equal regardless of race, creed, or color? You know... like that one famous guy who had a dream? Anyone remember Dr. Martin Luther King?

Well according to liberals. Not separating children out by race is actually racism. Not teaching them to be racist (and see differences in people) is actually racism. Not teaching one student to blame another student for past racism (based on skin color) is actually just more racism.

As has been discussed here recently, the Democrats are the party of racism and the party of the poor. Without racism and without poor people, the Democratic party would crumble before our very eyes. So they MUST teach a new generation that racism exists and that Democrats are there to solve it. Of course in reality they will do anything and everything in their power to make sure it remains in the public consciousness at all times and that it is never really fixed.

Sure racism existed throughout history and to one degree or the other it may always exist. But we have gone from racism being the idea that one race could own another race, to the idea that one race was superior to other races, to the idea of segregation (equal but separate) to eventually hearing the words of King where he suggested that everyone be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.

But alas. As the obvious forms of racism died out. As Whites and Blacks and Hispanics and Asians all started to live together and work together and start to get along, the race baiters had to come up with new and more clever ways to push their racist platform. Suddenly racism existed "subconsciously" so the lack of any noticeable racism didn't mean it didn't exist. This "subconscious" racism could be argued to be even worse than other forms of racism "because" of the fact that it wasn't openly detectable. You have to look for it. You know, like in the back of the closet under those old shoes you don't wear anymore. Yep, there it is... right next to the dead spider.

This subconscious racism led us to "systemic racism" and to the place we are today, where we see colleges and hiring companies discriminating against whites in the name of "equity" and to combat "systemic racism". Because nothing bad that happens to anyone is ever their own fault. It can always be blamed on something or someone else. Oh, and those school teachers all know who to blame! Whitey! It's all Whitey's fault! Why would anyone object to teaching that to children?

Well there are certainly plenty of people who object to this. Mainly about 75% of the parents who are sending their children to school to be indoctrinated with hate. Make no mistake, but teaching CRT is akin to teaching hate. Full stop. Teachers apparently object to parents getting involved in their own children's education, because parents do not take into consideration to what teachers feel society needs children to be taught. So while we have school districts in pretty much every state now where no students and read or do math at grade level, our teachers are concerned that they will not be able to teach children that everything bad in the world is the fault of white people.

Priorities folks... let children figure out for themselves how the world works. They can and will do so as they grow older and live their lives. They can make their own judgements about society without having it indoctrinated by teachers. What they cannot figure out on their own is calculus, physics, advanced chemistry, etc... that is where "teachers" are supposed to come in.



Unknown member
Mar 05, 2023

Roger cannot think or speak for himself. He can only listen to what he is being told and obediently agree!


Unknown member
Mar 05, 2023

Priorities folks... let children figure out for themselves how the world works.

Hell libs think children can decide they are transgender before they can even speak

The state will speak for them, dissent is not allowed

works for people like roger

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