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Slow Joe lies again: Says he has been for gay marriage since 1960?

Yet voted for the Defense of marriage act in 1996 (which made gay marriage illegal)

Not sure how senile this guy actually is. Perhaps he does not have the mental facilities to know the difference between truth and fiction. But it appears to be a dangerous position for the country when the President is this far unhinged and obviously cannot just tell us the truth.

Biden has always been known to toss around a few whoppers. He frequently tells the same debunked stories over and over, making sure he adds to them as time goes on!

Tell you folks. I was there when Buzz landed on the moon. I told that other guy in the suit to talk about the steps for mankind as we were making a latte for the teddy bear. We discussed science and stuff and then took a nap on the balcony. My legs were hairy!

The two sad things are the realities that Biden is still likely to win the Democratic nomination and that people are so numb to the bad economy and such that any sign of improvement over the next year or so could get him reelected. I feel like we have completely forgotten what life was like before Covid.



Unknown member
Mar 16, 2023

Unknown member
Mar 16, 2023


Unknown member
Mar 16, 2023

my recollection of a minimum score is incorrect but you could get a 600 for your name and minimal questions.

but he was bragging about a double digit SAT

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