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Searching for the Truth...

I generally have not engaged in any sort of social or political songwriting but this one just sort of rolled out of my head and into a song...

So I just started writing music again and bought myself some little home recording hardware. Started with a new dedicated laptop, a PreSonus Studio 68c audio interface, and just added a new AKG C314 recording microphone to replace the stage mic I had been using. The whole thing is run off from the Studio One recording software which I really like.

Over the weekend I downloaded a couple of songs I recently recorded to my new Soundcloud account.  Soundcloud is a free area for both listeners and artists who want to download some music and it links directly to Studio One. There are a lot of amateur musicians like myself as well as actual real artists as well!

One of these new downloads is a song called "Searching for the Truth" and it is about the current conditions of how the "truth" is simply lost in today's society. I think much of it comes from my engagement on social media over the years. I gave it a sort of dark jazzy blues feel and the vocals are way down in my range to reflect the mood I feel when I think about today's political climate.

The other song was literally written in a day when I found out that the Cine 2 theater and entertainment complex we frequented in high school and college closed down in my old home town. I wrote it and passed it to some of my high school friends. (I rerecorded "Four Plays for a Dollar" and the better version is now available).

I don't believe I will be going viral with any of this and it is really more for my own personal idea of having a place to keep all my music in one place where they can be heard if anyone so decide to listen. My next moves will be to rerecord some of my older songs I wrote when I was playing out and try to get a collection going.


4 commentaires

Membre inconnu
22 févr. 2024

Thanks for the donation! I remember back when I used to make money running the blog back in the day. People would pay just to put links on the sidebar and BlogAds paid me monthly. In fact, it still had an actual value listed in our divorce assets. My ex went to a site somewhere that provided values for all of the websites and mine was supposedly worth a couple thousand dollars at the time.

Now you have to pay... whether it be a sound cloud or even to use the blogging software that used to make me money!


Membre inconnu
21 févr. 2024

Figured I'd donate for your "pro" membership since you've spent so much of your time with so few of us. Wouldn't blame you if you ever decided to just fold up but I do get value from this site, mostly from you.


Membre inconnu
21 févr. 2024

Thanks CIT. I am never happy with a mix and right now I have to decide whether to pay the $99/year to become a pro-member, mainly because is allows me to replace my songs and keep the same stats on them. I hear everything that is wrong... but I do like the guitar mix and how that all came out.


Membre inconnu
21 févr. 2024

Definitely a lot of talent there. To a tone-deaf amateur sounded pretty good. You will definitely replace the 5th Beatle if you want. Guess that's a disincentive.

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