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Robert Reich captures the lefts message perfectly here.

So how is the GOP "hurtling" in this direction? Well, of course it is two fold, one being the obvious: Donald Trump.

We are witnessing the logical culmination of win-at-any-cost politics – and Donald Trump has encouraged it.

So what is the second thing Reich all upset about? What besides Donald Trump has Reich crying fascism? Well apparently Republicans won enough elections to gain supermajorities in certain states:

What occurred in Nashville last week is a frightening reminder of the fragility of American democracy when Republicans obtain supermajorities and no longer need to work with Democratic lawmakers.

Voters in Wisconsin’s eighth senatorial district decided (by a small margin) to send Republican Dan Knodl to the state senate. This gives the Wisconsin Republican party a supermajority – and with it, the power to remove key state officials, including judges, through impeachment.

Meanwhile, a newly installed Republican supermajority in Florida has given Ron DeSantis unbridled control – with total authority over the board governing Disney, the theme park giant he has fought over his anti-LGBTQ “don’t say gay” law; permission to fly migrants from anywhere in the US to destinations of his own choosing, for political purposes, and then send the bill to Florida’s taxpayers; and unprecedented prosecutorial power in the form of his newly created, hand-picked office of election “integrity”, pursuing supposed cases of voter fraud.

10-1 says Reich is one of those who would have liked to have seen the filibuster removed back when the Democrats had control of the White House, the House, but the Senate was split 50-50. Removing the filibuster would allow Kamala Harris to be the tiebreaking vote and give Democrats carte blanche to pass whatever they wanted. But having voters put one Party in full control with a supermajority is "fascism"?

100-1 says Reich was applauding all of those Democratic Governors who used Covid as an excuse to become a one-person ruler in many of these states, even openly undermining election laws (which several courts determined were unconstitutional power grabs). But when it comes to following the will of the voters, than that is "fascism"?

Let's be clear... Democracy put people like DeSantis and his supermajority in power in places like Florida. If they don't like his tactics, then they were free to vote him out in 2022. They didn't. They were free to vote more Democrats into the state legislature. They didn't. Same holds true in Wisconsin and Tennessee and the other 25 states where the GOP holds both chambers of a state congress. The fact that there is more GOP control at the state levels than Democratic control is simply a function of local issues that are generally less able to be manipulated by the giant wads of cash that Democrats have relied on recently.

Moreover, "Disney" is not an elected body. The woke companies pushing liberal social policies are not elected bodies. If the "people" vote in politicians willing to take on these companies, then that is not "fascism" - but rather it is Democracy at the most basic level.

Without two parties committed to democratic means to resolve differences in ends, the party committed to democracy is at a tactical disadvantage. If it is to survive, eventually it, too, will sacrifice democratic means to its own ends.

Obviously Reich is suffering from projection here. There is a President who pushes unpopular executive actions, Governors who push unpopular executive actions, and unelected woke companies pushing unpopular social issues. These are all Democrats and liberals. They are using everything "but" Democracy to push their issues, because they cannot win using Democracy?

Why do you think they spent $40 million dollars on a Judicial race in Wisconsin?

Simple... because they cannot control of the legislature through Democracy and so they rely on the courts to push their agenda. When you look at winning elections versus manipulating the courts and relying on one person executive actions, I would argue that the former is democracy and the latter is fascism. But hey.... that is just me!


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Control of the courts at every level has always been the Holy Grail for the left. The reason is simple. Their agenda is so wildly unpopular with sane, rational individuals that they must IMPOSE their will via court mandate as opposed to allowing the electorate to decide via the ballot box. This shit began with the confirmation of Robert Bork. That was probably THE defining moment when the left said "fuck it" and tossed the democratic process aside for good. And it culminates with the Kavanaugh confirmation. A circus so absurd, so un-fucking-believable, you couldn't make it up. This is how depraved the left has become. And now they've become so detached from reality as to deny the basic tenets…



It's not just judges they are buying. Also district attorneys. And out-of-state money is pouring into small money states for democrats. And the left is now openly advocating for ignoring court rulings.

They have a very odd definition of democracy. Well they do control Wikipedia to change any definition to say what they want

sounds awful fascist and controlling

Animal House

banana republic

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