So just because the liberal judge got elected doesn't mean that Wisconsin has gone blue

Conventional wisdom by some pundits was that the election of a liberal judge in Wisconsin all but sealed the fate of the state to turn blue for all of eternity.
However, one has to consider exactly how much money was spent to elect the pro-abortion politician into the justice robe. By some accounts the outside donors provided an approximate 20-1 advantage in campaign spending.
Moreover, this has been the case with many "special elections" that have taken place over the past few years. Whenever there is a special election with national consequences the out of state money raised by liberals is astronomical. For all practical purposes they are "buying" the special elections in a manner that they cannot afford to to during a normal November election cycle.
At the end of the day a "blue state" does not own a supermajority of the State Congress and Donald Trump still only lost that state by 0.4 percent in 2020 after winning it in 2016.
There is no way that the next statewide races sees any sort of spending advantage especially if Trump is at the top of the ticket. He already has an eight figure war chest and he is just getting started.
Mollie on Twitter: "Fascinating and informative watch -- Documenting the Left’s Taxpayer Funded and Subsidized Election Corruption Apparatus with Hayden Ludwig" / Twitter
How sleazy was her campaign? According to state Rep. Janel Brandtjen, Protasiewicz’s allies at a group called Wisconsin Takes Action offered payments of up to $250 “to sway their friends to vote for [her] through (sic) an app called Empower.”
“Wisconsin Takes Action set up an Empower app to attract Wisconsin residents to the polls, vote for Janet Protasiewicz for Supreme Court Judge, and reward them with gift cards for taking action,” Brandtjen reported on her website back in February.
“Downloading the app pays voters $30. Providing 75 names with phone numbers or emails in the app pays $60. Each time users reach out to their friends to early vote, make a plan to vote, or make contact on Election…