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Pretty sure my children are my children

And most of the parents in this country agree with me...

This is an obvious ploy to suggest that the Government needs to be more involved in the manner in which children are raised.

What sort of countries in the past have determined at a state level how children should think and how children should behave? Certainly not free democracies.

Nope, if you look throughout history, it is only the dictators and monarchs who want to determine the social constructs of their society. Only those who wish to exert their Government control will demand that parents follow a ruling lead in how they raise their children.

This is just another step towards turning our democracy into a totalitarian regime where a ruling few will determine what is best (socially, economically, religiously, and pretty much everything in between) for everyone. It's an obsession the left has with the need to run other people's lives. As if they will only feel secure with themselves if everyone else follows along. Liberals act as if they believe in diversity and inclusion, but it is not real diversity or inclusion. They pretend they are diverse because people look or act differently. But there can be no diversity of thought, ideals, or beliefs. What they want at the end of the day is a group think. If they cannot convince people to follow their thinking, they simply demand the Government "make" people follow their beliefs (against their will).

Conservatives on the other hand "actually" appreciate freedom of thought and diversity of ideas. Conservatives believe that people (not those who run the government) are best able to judge what is right for them (whether that be their politics, their religion, their sexual identities, or even their desired economic status). Conservatives believe that the Government does not need to tell us how to live our lives, determine what is best for us, or guide us in how to raise our children.


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All your base are belong to us



Horrifying: Medical Journal Article Recounts Tale of 18-Year-Old Boy Killed on the Operating Table in Quixotic Bid to "Become a Woman"

He had been on puberty blockers since he was young. He died during a "vaginoplasty" -- a thoroughly stupid and pointless bit of experimental surgery where they take a man's penis, cut down the middle like a hot dog, rip out the insides, and then invert it and stuff it back into the pelvis to become a totally not convincing fake vagina.
But to make a fake vagina, you have to have enough penile tissue to work with. This boy had been on a regime of severely depressed testosterone since he was young, and his penis never really developed.…



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