For some reason they believed this whole thing was the story of the century.

I think most people really are going to remember that there was a controversial giant 1500-page bill that was killed Trump and Musk and replaced with a streamlined bi-partisan bill that passed by a large margin. But those people commenting on the political wire threads were actually arguing that this was a huge defeat for Trump. They argued that this was proof of dysfunctional GOP leadership and now believe that Trump will fail miserably. They have been arguing that Musk is the real President and Trump is the puppet, while also openly admitting that the argument is being made just to get under Trump's skin.
Sometimes you would open a new thread and by the time you read the comments, there was already another story posted and another thread replacing the old one. It was hard to keep up.
I occasionally comment over there but am on my third Discus account as people have a tendency to block you when they get upset. For instance, after reminding people that the bi-partisan bill they kept talking about (and kept demanding that the Democrats force Trump and Musk to accept) was actually a bloated 1500 page 400-billion-dollar pile of pork that was dead. About four or five commenters blocked me when it turned out that Democrats were not going to try to revive it, and I pointed out that I had been right all along. I guess pointing out when people are wrong when it involves Donald Trump is just going to get you blocked. Perhaps it is even the definition of a troll in their eyes? That being said, all you need is a new email account and it takes you five minutes, and you are back in the game under a new moniker and blocked by nobody. A major flaw in their blocking ideas.
Either way, it's going to be a fun four years. These liberals are going to lose their collective minds every time Trump gets a win. Not just because he gets a win, but because they are so convinced that every little thing that comes up is the thing that will doom his Presidency. This time it was a bill to get us past a possible government shutdown that would have happened before Trump is even sworn in. Next time it will probably be something really stupid.
they do not like dissent.
Political Liar is just a safe space echo chamber for devoted lefties.
Easy to see exactly how they are controlled by the posts and comments.
and very smug and condescending.
They are better