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Plea deal rejected? Biden pleads not guilty to charges he already admitted to?

Perhaps the big guy will offer a pardon to his son?

Judge not only rejects deal but places a bunch of conditions on Hunter, such as drug and alcohol testing and that he provide proof of a continued search for employment.

They say Hunter looked agitated. I am sure Joe was agitated as well to the degree he understands what is going on.

Boy, this opens up a whole other can of worms. Even in DC I don't see how Hunter beats the tax charges. Especially when everyone understands that he already admitted to them. This is black and white and even jurist in DC would have to understand the implications in letting the President's son get away Scott free when he is an obvious criminal.

I will be very curious how this is going to be spun by the legacy media and other liberals? Seems like a no-win proposition. Will they attack the Judge as being pro-Trump or something?

The special part of this... is that when the prosecutors played the "we cannot discuss the ongoing investigation" nonsense with the Judge, the Judge didn't just nicely play along. The Judge used that as part of the reasoning for blocking the plea. Well nobody feels bad for Biden or the cronies at the DOJ who seem to believe they are above everything. They found out that they are not above this judge.

Updated: The reality is that the plea that Hunter Biden and his attorneys believed they were getting (global immunity to everything else) was not actually part of the plea as presented to the Judge. Whether that was a wink wink nod nod you know what I mean sort of deal or if the text of this was hidden from public view (and from the Judge) for more devious reasons, the fact remains that the Judge is not signing off on anything that provides immunity for possible charges that are not presented to her at this point.

The DOJ is simply not acting in good faith and it is now obvious to everyone.



Unknown member
Jul 26, 2023

Maybe Hunter can get another job in Ukraine along with his buddy Vindman. Perhaps Romney and Pelosi's kids are still "working" there too


Unknown member
Jul 26, 2023

Hunter has to get a fucking job. LOL:


Unknown member
Jul 26, 2023

Sol Wisenberg @WisenbergSol

This just in: The judge won't accept the proposed plea deal at least for now.

Some thoughts: Now we know why DOJ didn’t show us the plea agreement terms. What didn't they want us to know ahead of time? A) a global immunity deal for Hunter; B) A binding plea (that is, the judge must accept the specific terms if she accepts the agreement); C) Misdemeanor probation; D) Other unusual plea terms.

1. A global immunity deal for Hunter while the overall investigation is “ongoing”, is stunning—a super-sweetheart deal.

2. A binding plea is extremely unusual in the vast majority of federal jurisdictions. It means for example, that if the agreement calls for probation the judge must give…

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