So what do you suppose those county commissioners will do now?

So, what can happen if you continue to defy court orders? Well the court can actually hold them in contempt. There is no trial, no jury, no chance of nullification by partisan hacks. The court gets to decide. They could jail them, they could fine them, or they could do both. If it was up to me, I think they should be publicly flogged and then put into stocks where people throw rotten fruit at them... but that is just me.
This is actually one of those times, where you start to wonder what people are thinking and what happened to any semblance of the rule of law?

"Go Fuck Yourselves" is correct.
And it needs to be the motto of the incoming WH Press Secretary.
The sign behind the podium in the briefing room...
The "Hitler" lies went all the way up to Biden's teleprompter writer. And repeated ad nauseam by the lefty sheep. "Go Fuck Yourselves" is correct.
Go fuck yourselves...
The PA SC is 5-2 democrat.
When the steal is so fucking outlandish that even a leftist disagrees...
My neighbor told me today, that her significant half, informed her they finally got water today at their Asheville, NC cabin.
7 weeks since Helena hit.
There will be a problem with the amount of good southern ‘shine that could’ve been made this year