Niki Haley loses to none of these candidates by a large margin!
The key here is that Nevada is actually a caucus state and you cannot run in both the caucus and primary. Haley believed she could "win" the primary without Trump on the ballot and claim some sort of victory or momentum even as she garnered no delegates.
Unknown member
Feb 08, 2024
It should always be an option and whomever none of the above beats should never be allowed to run again
Unknown member
Feb 08, 2024
Maybe "none of the above" should always be available as a choice?
It should always be an option and whomever none of the above beats should never be allowed to run again
Maybe "none of the above" should always be available as a choice?
Might serve as a type of term limit.
To have to endure this much humiliation there has to be a massive pot o' gold at the end of this shitshow rainbow for Nimrod-ah.
"Nikki Haley Says We Must Avoid Peace In The Middle East At All Costs" / X (