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Most Americans believe Joe Biden took bribes from China, Russia, Ukraine.

People overwhelmingly believe it likely that President Joe Biden took up to $30 million in bribes in scams connected to first son Hunter Biden, and now even Democrats are starting to believe it's true.

In the latest test of voter faith in the president’s denials, 56% said that he probably took bribes from sources tied to China, Russia, and Ukraine. Some 27% said they think that it is unlikely. That’s more than a two-to-one gap in the latest I&I/TIPP online survey.

I would (once again) be most curious as to those 27% who believe it is unlikely that Joe Biden took bribes. While I understand that a large portion of those are Democrats, it makes you wonder how closely they are paying attention to all of this. The evidence seems overwhelming that he did so. What about it do they not believe?



Unknown member
Jul 15, 2023

Republicans in congress once again shoot themselves in the foot on the NDAA bill. Instead of just focusing on the stupid woke policies being pushed by that idiot Austin, they yet again went back to the anti abortion stuff. Stick to what is popular. It's not rocket science.


Unknown member
Jul 14, 2023

explains everything


Unknown member
Jul 14, 2023

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