If anyone really cared what the media thought, then neither Biden or Trump would be running right now!

The same players who spent much of the past four years telling us the Joe Biden was perfectly healthy, perfectly cognitive, and perfectly able to run the country are now the very ones who are bringing him down and attempting to drive him from the race. Apparently they claim to be upset about being fooled, but we all know deep down that they are actually just upset with the fact that they can no longer work with Biden to fool the rest of the public. That ship has sailed and now the media is stuck in no-man's land. After years of defense of Joe Biden, they are not playing offense against him. It may be hard to shift back.
Think about it. Nearly every liberal media outlet has run stories about cognitive decline, internal strife, and editorials and opinions about how important it is for Biden to drop out of the race. Even as more and more Democrats are openly committed to Biden running, the media seems to mention that as more of a sidenote, while pushing the concepts of others hinting he get out, repeating claims of behind the scenes opinions, and twisting words to make them sound like want. I would suggest that they are currently treating Joe Biden the same way they have treated Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, John McCain and other GOP Presidential candidates. Like dirt on the bottom of their shoes!
If Biden remains the candidate, how to they get themselves out of the mess? They seem "all in" on the idea that Joe has to go, and I wonder out loud if they have even considered the idea that he might end up on the ballot. It seems like are now doing everything in their power to keep the story afloat even as the replace Biden train has all but been derailed for now. Look for them to continue to report on every grumbling from every person who makes any sort of negative remark about Biden or their election fate in November. Because if they cannot use their media pulpit to drive Biden out of the race, how can they move forward for the rest of the election cycle as good little tools for the DNC and the Democratic Nominee? I think they realize that they have already crossed the Rubicon on this one.
My best guess is similar to what I heard Whoopie say on the view (no I don't watch it, just saw a clip of her). Whoopie suggested that at some point everyone will start shitting their own pants, and she will stand behind Biden over Trump, even if he is shitting his pants. I wonder if she could have used a different phrase than "standing behind someone" who has a load in their pants. That sounds very strange. But I could see the media doubling down on their anti-Trump rhetoric and trying to declare that the braindead Biden is still better than the healthy Trump.
BREAKING: Biden's Gaza aid pier will be permanently dismantled after it broke.
U.S. taxpayers paid $230 million for it.
It was working for a total of 21 days
That’s more than he’s done but a fitting tribute in futility
Not much "real" talk of Clinton. I have heard Clinton, M. Obama, and even Al Gore mentioned... but those are far away prospects. I have only seen two polls showing Clinton and only one of those two pollsters I have ever heard of. That was Emerson, and Clinton was down 48-41 in that poll. Have Democrats ever really forgiven her for losing to the bad orange man? The other poll I saw was one that showed multiple candidates beating Trump, and Biden only one point down. I would that poll as far as I could throw it!
I still believe it is Biden with an outside shot that he is replaced by Harris. Democrats might be desperate enough to believ…
There's talk of drafting Hillary. She would be 81 as president. I for one, think we don't need any more 80 year old presidents. There's only been 3 over 70 - Biden, Trump, Reagan. I think a 75 year old age limit it needed. Airline pilots are required to retire at 65.