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Media quick to mention Trump as being tied to Epstein even though there is no evidence he was ever at island.

Sure, Trump was mentioned in the investigation. But only to suggest that Epstein meant to go visit him at a hotel.

Just read a headline that lumped Trump in with Bill Clinton as people "tied to Epstein". Of course while Clinton has been accused of going to the actual Epstein island, Donald Trump appeared to be no more than a passing acquaintance. In fact, the entire mention of Trump was to suggest Epstein wanted to go meet him at a hotel casino. By meet, it might have meant that they had never "met" before.

Why was his name even brought up? Because someone investigating this brought him up. There was no evidence or any indication that Trump was involved. But they asked about Trump and someone said Epstein had mentioned him once or twice. I suppose so they could say that Trump was involved in the investigation.

I mean it's one thing to be associated with having met someone like Epstein and another to be associated with going to the Island on multiple occasions. But isn't just like the media to make it "seem" like Trump is just as deep into this as Clinton was... just because they are willing to be dishonest to do so.



Unknown member
Jan 06, 2024

So the most transparent administration in history has its Secretary of Defense in ICU for 4 days and no one knows and it goes unreported.



Unknown member
Jan 06, 2024

I hope Republicans start voting early this time. It's too easy for democrat officials to sabotage election day to prevent gop voters from casting ballots. Right AZ?


Unknown member
Jan 06, 2024

The absurd news media keeps repeating the talking points that Trump is Hitler and will destroy democracy. Never mind that we've actually seen a Trump presidency and before covid swept across the planet, the country was doing quite well. And never mind that the hatred of jews like Hitler in coming from the democrats not Trump.


Unknown member
Jan 06, 2024

So the most transparent administration in history has its Secretary of Defense in ICU for 4 days and no one knows and it goes unreported. And they still won't say what the issue is. This just gets worse and worse.


Unknown member
Jan 06, 2024

Chris Bray on point again. He's a lengthy version of CHT:

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