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Lo and behold, the Obama Administration had been spying on Trump campaign even earlier than thought!

In truth, the US IC asked the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation. The Five Eyes nations are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

After Public and Racket had been told that President Barack Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, had identified 26 Trump associates for the Five Eyes to target, a source confirmed that the IC had “identified [them] as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.”

Basically starting sometime in early 2016 John Brennan decided to try to "set up" various Trump associates to see if they could manipulate them into improper behavior. This is what happened with George Papadapoulos, who was charged with "misleading the FBI" after being approached by an FBI asset to claimed to be Putin's niece. Sounds like they simply targeted 26 different member of Trump's campaign in a similar fashion, which of course is not only unethical but possibly illegal.

Not that it matters much anymore, but what is both disturbing and infuriating is people like Brennan act as if they did what they did for good cause, when in fact they did it for pure partisan political purposes.


3 則留言


This is treason.

Everyone even remotely involved should be arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and SHOT at dawn on the National Mall.

Starting with Brennan and 0linsky.



Watch this one minute clip:

"SPYGATE FLASHBACK | In 2020, Barack Obama characterized the Trump spying allegations as “absurd." In this clip, Obama directly refutes the spying claims — as so “absurd" that “even Republican controlled committees who are looking into it have dismissed them." He then goes on to…" / X (

Obama is scum, and probably the one who is pulling demented Biden's strings. (it just came out that Hur didn't ask Biden about Beau, Biden brought him up himself and couldn't remember when he died. It wasn't the fog of war but the fog of dementia...

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