as the wiz-kids are finding things that an entire ten-thousand-person government agency missed.

So how is it that we have an agency with ten thousand employees who don't seem to think there is anything wrong with sending ten million dollars to a known Islamic terror organization for food? How is it that a foreign for-profit hospital with over a hundred million dollars in liquid assets is receiving US tax-payer dollars and nobody caught on? How about spending millions on irrigation systems to help poppy farmers in Afghanistan create dangerous illegal drugs to export to the United States.
Now I get that when it comes to spending US tax-dollars that many of these ten thousand employees probably think it is okay to spend twenty billion dollars on influencing foreign governments to be more woke. They may actually think funding transgender clinics in India or paying for sex change operations in central America is a good use of our money. They may even think that giving money to Hamas is perfectly in line with their own priorities. Those are little more than unwise priorities that are not in line with the American taxpayer.
So I think there is line where appeared incompetence can be explained by blatant partisanship and arrogance in how much authority they should have to spend our money. Perhaps most of this can be explained by people being given power to spend our money and doing it based on their own priorities, some of which may even be a political alliance with anti-American terror groups. But there are also things that appear to be simply missed either due to laziness, no procedures to do background checks in place, or blatant incompetence of an obviously unqualified staff who doesn't bother to think.
Imagine being one of the people leading this ten-thousand-strong government agency and having a half dozen pimply faced kids embarrass you with findings of complete incompetence. Yeah, one can imagine why they are mad and why they would like this to stop. But the fact that a few smart kids can embarrass them like this is not proof that they shouldn't be allowed to do so, but rather it should be seen as proof that these agencies are a total waste of taxpayer money and should be shut down completely.
I have spent 45 years paying taxes, putting money into social security and Medicare, and our government has wasted most of it. Had I been able to invest my own money into even a money market, I would be retired several years ago in economic comfort. But instead, I am looking at cuts to social security because we cannot fund it. We are looking at a crumbling infrastructure because we cannot afford to upgrade it. We cannot properly put together an education system due to a lack of direction and resources. We cannot walk around in our own neighborhoods for fear of runaway crime. We have people living on the streets and cannot figure out how to house them.
Yet, we are funding DEI, and transgenderism, and woke education in foreign countries. We are housing illegals in luxury hotels, giving them rent money, and even funding them to start businesses. And if a duly elected President steps up and says "enough" of this, then according to the liberals that President is a monster. When that President steps up and says need to take care of Social Security before taking care of transgenders in India, that President is called a tyrant. When a President suggests we should take care of crime and stop the flow of illegals rather than fund the Middle eastern farmer who is farming opioids, then liberals call him a dictator. When a President suggests that we take care of Americans first with American tax dollars, you are told by liberal elitists that this is a man who is akin to Hitler.