Why? Apparently much of their funding was coming from US foreign aid?

Sources said they believed up to half of the workforce could be made redundant in the move, which they were told would “secure the future of Stonewall for the long term as a significant LGBTQ+ organization able to deliver impactful campaigns and legislative change across the UK and further afield”.
Insiders believed the announcement was linked to decisions made by Trump over the provision of foreign aid. Blake has previously warned of the impact Trump’s move would have on Stonewall’s operations.
Now compared to many other things, this is not a great deal of money. But as everyone likes to say from time to time, this is about principle. The UK is not a poor country that Americans need to fund to make sure Brits do not starve to death. UK is a fairly robust first world country who should be taking care of their own. If this particular trans-rights group cannot garner funding from donations, or UK aid, then perhaps they should rethink their business model. Why on god's green earth am I "an American taxpayer" funding a trans-rights group in another first world country?
Well the answer may be that this is just the tip of the iceberg. We apparently have something called the Global Equality Fund which works towards advancing LGBTI rights around the world. Now it appears that not all of the funding for GEF actually comes from American tax-payers, but rather from some private donations as well as from grants from various countries. But the bulk of this is from Americans and it is our own State department that is shelling out the money. At the very least, we have government employees whose salary is paid for by our taxes who are determining how to spend this money. Whether the US tax-payer makes up 90% or 50% makes no difference to me, we should not be spending a dollar of our money on this. Moreover, if they are funding a British trans-rights group, what other things are being funded.
I think what is most troubling to me is that we cannot, as a country, apparently agree that this sort of thing needs to stop. When we cannot maintain our own infrastructure, when people are worried about cuts to education, when we all have to worry about the long term solvency of Social Security and Medicare, why are there people still out there arguing against putting an end to this nonsense? Why are all the liberals so demanding that we continue to spend this money like a drunken sailor? Unless they really want to admit that their priorities are actually with UK trans-groups and not with U.S. Education or Social Security or Infrastructure, then they should be applauding all of this just as conservatives are.