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Kansas passes law to ban transgender care on minors - Democratic Governor vetoes

They have supermajority to overturn the veto if they get their ducks in a row.

After a series of fits and starts, the Kansas legislature passed legislation that would ban genital mutilation surgery on minors along with other supposed "transgender care" procedures. The proposed law would not impact adults. This led to Democratic Governor Laura Kelly breaking out her executive pen yesterday and vetoing the legislation. She vetoed a couple of other bills that had been sent to her for good measure.

The number of states that are now banning treatments on minors is right around half. Kansas is likely to eventually be able to overturn this veto either way. But this has to be a lesson for red state voters who seem compelled to vote for a Democratic Governor. Many times, they are voting to simply prevent agenda they approve of from being initiated, as Democrats always put Party over people.

As more and more legislature is passed, the pro-child-mutilation sect of the world is becoming more and more of a minority. Much of Scandanavia has reversed their previously liberal policies on child trans care and it is considered now to be "experimental" in several countries. Many European countries are following suit and moving away from the flippant knee-jerk concept of moving directly to providing dangerous and unproven gender altering treatments. The healthiest initial response to a child with gender dysphoria it to affirm their natural gender, rather than the other way around. This has been proven in multiple studies.

Is it possible that with enough research and experimentation that we will see a day when we can actually figure out the correct path to allow the care to those who actually might need it, rather than pushing it as an ideology. Maybe, but we are not there yet and as it stands it is doing far more bad than good. These State laws being passed are the best defense against a woke ideology that is bound and determined to harm children.



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